Debug Logging in iOS Objective-C Apps – Pt. 2
Hey, it’s me again, sorry for not posting much… Anyway, I recently got fed up with my previous debug logging method and decided to remake it. Before I’d use it like this, Now, with my new improved version it is simply this, As you can see, it is much simpler, handles NSStrings with format inline…
The Fear of Public Speaking
So in my current catalog of university courses, public speaking is one of them. This week we had to come prepared to class with a monologue, song or poem to present in front of the class. Luckily we did not have to memorize our selection however we were graded based on the several techniques we…
Little Free Libraries
Today I want to write to you about Little Free Libraries. First, let’s start off with how I came to know them myself. Picture this, you are walking down a residential road in a city. The sun is shining down on you. You might be sweating in this blistering heat. Don’t ask me where I’m…
First Impressions at City Tech NYC
Following my 1 year hiatus from education after high school, I finally got off my ass and applied to a University, that would be City Tech on Jay Street, NYC. I’m writing this to give you my first impressions after my first week attending. 1. The campus is bigger than any school I’ve ever been…
Debug Logging in iOS Objective-C Apps
So recently I’ve been working on Veteris (My App Store client/server) and YewTube (My YouTube client) and needed a better way to add logging to my apps without it logging on release builds. Whilst searching for a solution I found a ancient Ars Technica article pointing to this link, Of course the links on the article…
The ThinkPad R51 Mandrake Experience – Part 2
Prologue First let me start off by saying, Thank You to all who have read Part 1 and visited my websites since the time of publish! School has me busy and stressed over finals, I haven’t been able to work on much and the blog included. However I do have a break coming up, so…
This is a test from Windows Server 2008 R2, sent over the internet via BlogDesk to this WordPress Instance!
The ThinkPad R51 Mandrake Experience
A very “gracious” friend forcefully donated me an upgraded ThinkPad R51 and then made ME pay for the shipping along with some of the upgrades. So for my first blog post, I decided that I’d review this laptop and write about my experiences with a fully setup time period correct Linux install on it. First,…